Source code for jasy.core.Cache

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

import shelve
import time
import os
import os.path
import sys
import pickle
import dbm
import uuid
import hashlib
import atexit
import glob

import jasy
import jasy.core.Util
import jasy.core.Console as Console

hostId = uuid.getnode()

[docs]class Cache: """ A cache class based on shelve feature of Python. Supports transient in-memory storage, too. Uses memory storage for caching requests to DB as well for improved performance. Uses keys for identification of entries like a normal hash table / dictionary. """ __shelve = None def __init__(self, path, filename="jasycache", hashkeys=False): self.__transient = {} self.__file = os.path.join(path, filename) self.__hashkeys = hashkeys # Be sure to correctly write down and close cache file on exit atexit.register(self.close)
[docs] def open(self): """Opens a cache file in the given path.""" try: self.__shelve =, flag="c") storedVersion = jasy.core.Util.getKey(self.__shelve, "jasy-version") storedHost = jasy.core.Util.getKey(self.__shelve, "jasy-host") if storedVersion == jasy.__version__ and storedHost == hostId: return if storedVersion is not None or storedHost is not None: Console.debug("Jasy version or host has been changed. Recreating cache...") self.clear() self.__shelve =, flag="n") self.__shelve["jasy-version"] = jasy.__version__ self.__shelve["jasy-host"] = hostId except dbm.error as dbmerror: errno = None try: errno = dbmerror.errno except: pass if errno is 35: raise IOError("Cache file is locked by another process!") elif "type could not be determined" in str(dbmerror): Console.error("Could not detect cache file format: %s" % self.__file) Console.warn("Recreating cache database...") self.clear() elif "module is not available" in str(dbmerror): Console.error("Unsupported cache file format: %s" % self.__file) Console.warn("Recreating cache database...") self.clear() else: raise dbmerror
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the cache file(s)""" if self.__shelve is not None: Console.debug("Closing cache file %s..." % self.__file) self.__shelve.close() self.__shelve = None for fileName in glob.glob("%s*" % self.__file): Console.debug("Clearing cache file %s..." % fileName) os.remove(fileName)
[docs] def read(self, key, timestamp=None, inMemory=True): """ Reads the given value from cache. Optionally support to check wether the value was stored after the given time to be valid (useful for comparing with file modification times). """ if self.__hashkeys: key = hashlib.sha1(key.encode("ascii")).hexdigest() if key in self.__transient: return self.__transient[key] timeKey = key + "-timestamp" if key in self.__shelve and timeKey in self.__shelve: if not timestamp or timestamp == self.__shelve[timeKey]: value = self.__shelve[key] # Useful to debug serialized size. Often a performance # issue when data gets to big. # rePacked = pickle.dumps(value) # print("LEN: %s = %s" % (key, len(rePacked))) # Copy over value to in-memory cache if inMemory: self.__transient[key] = value return value return None
[docs] def store(self, key, value, timestamp=None, transient=False, inMemory=True): """ Stores the given value. Default timestamp goes to the current time. Can be modified to the time of an other files modification date etc. Transient enables in-memory cache for the given value """ if self.__hashkeys: key = hashlib.sha1(key.encode("ascii")).hexdigest() if inMemory: self.__transient[key] = value if transient: return if not timestamp: timestamp = time.time() try: self.__shelve[key + "-timestamp"] = timestamp self.__shelve[key] = value except pickle.PicklingError as err: Console.error("Failed to store enty: %s" % key)
[docs] def sync(self): """Syncs the internal storage database.""" if self.__shelve is not None: self.__shelve.sync()
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the internal storage database.""" if self.__shelve is not None: self.__shelve.close() self.__shelve = None