Source code for jasy.core.Console

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

"""Centralized logging for complete Jasy environment."""

import logging
import sys

__all__ = ("colorize", "header", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "indent", "outdent")

# ---------------------------------------------
# Colorized Output
# ---------------------------------------------

__colors = {
    'bold'      : ['\033[1m', '\033[22m'],
    'italic'    : ['\033[3m', '\033[23m'],
    'underline' : ['\033[4m', '\033[24m'],
    'inverse'   : ['\033[7m', '\033[27m'],

    'white'     : ['\033[37m', '\033[39m'],
    'grey'      : ['\033[90m', '\033[39m'],
    'black'     : ['\033[30m', '\033[39m'],

    'blue'      : ['\033[34m', '\033[39m'],
    'cyan'      : ['\033[36m', '\033[39m'],
    'green'     : ['\033[32m', '\033[39m'],
    'magenta'   : ['\033[35m', '\033[39m'],
    'red'       : ['\033[31m', '\033[39m'],
    'yellow'    : ['\033[33m', '\033[39m']

[docs]def colorize(text, color="red"): """Uses to colorize the given text for output on Unix terminals.""" # Not supported on console on Windows native # Note: Cygwin has a different platform value if sys.platform == "win32": return text entry = __colors[color] return "%s%s%s" % (entry[0], text, entry[1])
# --------------------------------------------- # Logging API # --------------------------------------------- __level = 0 def __format(text): if __level == 0 or text == "": return text elif __level == 1: return "- %s" % text else: return "%s- %s" % (" " * (__level - 1), text)
[docs]def indent(): """ Increments global indenting level. Prepends spaces to the next logging messages until outdent() is called. Should be called whenever leaving a structural logging section. """ global __level __level += 1
[docs]def outdent(all=False): """ Decrements global indenting level. Should be called whenever leaving a structural logging section. """ global __level if all: __level = 0 else: __level -= 1
[docs]def error(text, *argv): """Outputs an error message (visible by default)""" logging.warn(__format(colorize(colorize(text, "red"), "bold")), *argv)
[docs]def warn(text, *argv): """Outputs an warning (visible by default)""" logging.warn(__format(colorize(text, "red")), *argv)
[docs]def info(text, *argv): """Outputs an info message (visible by default, disable via --quiet option)""", *argv)
[docs]def debug(text, *argv): """Output a debug message (hidden by default, enable via --verbose option)""" logging.debug(__format(text), *argv)