Source code for jasy.script.optimize.BlockReducer

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

import jasy.script.parse.Node as Node
import jasy.script.output.Compressor as Compressor

import jasy.script.parse.Lang

import jasy.core.Console as Console

[docs]class Error(Exception): def __init__(self, line): self.__line = line
[docs]def optimize(node): Console.debug("Reducing block complexity...") Console.indent() result = __optimize(node, Compressor.Compressor()) Console.outdent() return result
def __optimize(node, compressor): # Process from inside to outside # on a copy of the node to prevent it from forgetting children when structure is modified for child in list(node): # None children are allowed sometimes e.g. during array_init like [1,2,,,7,8] if child is not None: __optimize(child, compressor) # Cleans up empty semicolon statements (or pseudo-empty) if node.type == "semicolon" and node.parent.type in ("block", "script"): expr = getattr(node, "expression", None) if not expr or expr.type in ("null", "this", "true", "false", "identifier", "number", "string", "regexp"): # Keep scrict mode hints if expr and expr.type is "string" and expr.value == "use strict": pass else: if expr is not None: Console.debug("Remove empty statement at line %s of type: %s", expr.line, expr.type) node.parent.remove(node) return # Remove unneeded parens if getattr(node, "parenthesized", False): cleanParens(node) # Pre-compute numeric expressions where it makes sense if node.type in ("plus", "minus", "mul", "div", "mod") and node[0].type == "number" and node[1].type == "number": firstNumber = node[0] secondNumber = node[1] operator = node.type # Only do for real numeric values and not for protected strings (float differences between Python and JS) if isinstance(firstNumber.value, str) or isinstance(secondNumber.value, str): pass elif operator == "plus": Console.debug("Precompute numeric %s operation at line: %s", operator, node.line) firstNumber.value += secondNumber.value node.parent.replace(node, firstNumber) elif operator == "minus": Console.debug("Precompute numeric %s operation at line: %s", operator, node.line) firstNumber.value -= secondNumber.value node.parent.replace(node, firstNumber) else: if operator == "mul": result = firstNumber.value * secondNumber.value elif operator == "div" and secondNumber.value is not 0: result = firstNumber.value / secondNumber.value elif operator == "mod": result = firstNumber.value % secondNumber.value else: result = None if result is not None and len(str(result)) < len(compressor.compress(node)): Console.debug("Precompute numeric %s operation at line: %s", operator, node.line) firstNumber.value = result node.parent.replace(node, firstNumber) # Pre-combine strings (even supports mixed string + number concats) elif node.type == "plus" and node[0].type in ("number", "string") and node[1].type in ("number", "string"): Console.debug("Joining strings at line: %s", node.line) node[0].value = "%s%s" % (node[0].value, node[1].value) node[0].type = "string" node.parent.replace(node, node[0]) # Pre-combine last with last (special case e.g.: somevar + "hello" + "world") elif node.type == "plus" and node[0].type == "plus" and node[0][1].type in ("number", "string") and node[1].type in ("number", "string") and node[0][1].type == node[1].type: node[1].value = "%s%s" % (node[0][1].value, node[1].value) node[1].type = "string" node.replace(node[0], node[0][0]) # Unwrap blocks if node.type == "block": if node.parent.type in ("try", "catch", "finally"): pass elif len(node) == 0: Console.debug("Replace empty block with semicolon at line: %s", node.line) repl = Node.Node(node.tokenizer, "semicolon") node.parent.replace(node, repl) node = repl elif len(node) == 1: if node.parent.type == "if" and node.rel == "thenPart" and hasattr(node.parent, "elsePart") and containsIf(node): # if with else where the thenBlock contains another if pass elif node.parent.type == "if" and node.rel == "thenPart" and containsIfElse(node): # if without else where the thenBlock contains a if-else pass elif node.parent.type in ("case", "default"): # virtual blocks inside case/default statements pass else: # debug("Removing block for single statement at line %s", node.line) node.parent.replace(node, node[0]) node = node[0] else: node = combineToCommaExpression(node) # Remove "empty" semicolons which are inside a block/script parent if node.type == "semicolon": if not hasattr(node, "expression"): if node.parent.type in ("block", "script"): Console.debug("Remove empty semicolon expression at line: %s", node.line) node.parent.remove(node) elif node.parent.type == "if": rel = getattr(node, "rel", None) if rel == "elsePart": Console.debug("Remove empty else part at line: %s", node.line) node.parent.remove(node) # Process all if-statements if node.type == "if": condition = node.condition thenPart = node.thenPart elsePart = getattr(node, "elsePart", None) # Optimize for empty thenPart if elsePart is available if thenPart.type == "semicolon" and not hasattr(thenPart, "expression") and elsePart: if condition.type == "not": node.replace(condition, condition[0]) condition = condition[0] else: repl = Node.Node(None, "not") node.replace(condition, repl) repl.append(condition) fixParens(condition) condition = repl node.replace(thenPart, elsePart) thenPart = elsePart elsePart = None # Optimize using hook operator if elsePart and thenPart.type == "return" and elsePart.type == "return" and hasattr(thenPart, "value") and hasattr(elsePart, "value"): # Combine return statement replacement = createReturn(createHook(condition, thenPart.value, elsePart.value)) node.parent.replace(node, replacement) return # Check whether if-part ends with a return statement. Then # We do not need a else statement here and just can wrap the whole content # of the else block inside the parent if elsePart and endsWithReturnOrThrow(thenPart): reworkElse(node, elsePart) elsePart = None # Optimize using "AND" or "OR" operators # Combine multiple semicolon statements into one semicolon statement using an "comma" expression thenPart = combineToCommaExpression(thenPart) elsePart = combineToCommaExpression(elsePart) # Optimize remaining if or if-else constructs if elsePart: mergeParts(node, thenPart, elsePart, condition, compressor) elif thenPart.type == "semicolon": compactIf(node, thenPart, condition)
[docs]def reworkElse(node, elsePart): """ If an if ends with a return/throw we are able to inline the content of the else to the same parent as the if resides into. This method deals with all the nasty details of this operation. """ target = node.parent targetIndex = target.index(node) + 1 # A workaround for compact if-else blocks # We are a elsePart of the if where we want to move our # content to. This cannot work. So we need to wrap ourself # into a block and move the else statements to this newly # established block if not target.type in ("block", "script"): newBlock = Node.Node(None, "block") # Replace node with newly created block and put ourself into it node.parent.replace(node, newBlock) newBlock.append(node) # Update the target and the index target = newBlock targetIndex = 1 if not target.type in ("block", "script"): # print("No possible target found/created") return elsePart if elsePart.type == "block": for child in reversed(elsePart): target.insert(targetIndex, child) # Remove else block from if statement node.remove(elsePart) else: target.insert(targetIndex, elsePart) return
[docs]def endsWithReturnOrThrow(node): """Used by the automatic elsePart removal logic to find out whether the given node ends with a return or throw which is bascially the allowance to remove the else keyword as this is not required to keep the logic intact.""" if node.type in ("return", "throw"): return True elif node.type == "block": length = len(node) return length > 0 and node[length - 1].type in ("return", "throw") return False
[docs]def mergeParts(node, thenPart, elsePart, condition, compressor): """ Merges if statement with a elsePart using a hook. Supports two different ways of doing this: using a hook expression outside, or using a hook expression inside an assignment. Example: if(test) first(); else second() => test ? first() : second(); if(foo) x=1; else x=2 => x = foo ? 1 : 2; """ if thenPart.type == "semicolon" and elsePart.type == "semicolon": # Combine two assignments or expressions thenExpression = getattr(thenPart, "expression", None) elseExpression = getattr(elsePart, "expression", None) if thenExpression and elseExpression: replacement = combineAssignments(condition, thenExpression, elseExpression, compressor) or combineExpressions(condition, thenExpression, elseExpression) if replacement: node.parent.replace(node, replacement)
[docs]def cleanParens(node): """Automatically tries to remove superfluous parens which are sometimes added for more clearance and readability but which are not required for parsing and just produce overhead.""" parent = node.parent if node.type == "function": # Ignore for direct execution functions. This is required # for parsing e.g. (function(){})(); which does not work # without parens around the function instance other than # priorities might suggest. It only works this way when being # part of assignment/declaration. if parent.type == "call" and parent.parent.type in ("declaration", "assign"): node.parenthesized = False # Need to make sure to not modify in cases where we use a "dot" operator e.g. # var x = (function(){ return 1; }).hide(); elif node.type == "assign" and parent.type == "hook": node.parenthesized = node.rel == "condition" elif getattr(node, "rel", None) == "condition": # inside a condition e.g. while(condition) or for(;condition;) we do not need # parens aroudn an expression node.parenthesized = False elif node.type in jasy.script.parse.Lang.expressions and parent.type == "return": # Returns never need parens around the expression node.parenthesized = False elif node.type in jasy.script.parse.Lang.expressions and parent.type == "list" and parent.parent.type == "call": # Parameters don't need to be wrapped in parans node.parenthesized = False elif node.type in ("new", "string", "number", "boolean") and parent.type == "dot": # Constructs like (new # "new" is defined with higher priority than "dot" but in # this case it does not work without parens. Interestingly # the same works without issues when having "new_with_args" # instead like: new"param").doSomething() pass elif node.type == "unary_plus" or node.type == "unary_minus": # Prevent unary operators from getting joined with parent # x+(+x) => x++x => FAIL pass elif node.type in jasy.script.parse.Lang.expressions and parent.type in jasy.script.parse.Lang.expressions: prio = jasy.script.parse.Lang.expressionOrder[node.type] parentPrio = jasy.script.parse.Lang.expressionOrder[node.parent.type] # Only higher priorities are optimized. Others are just to complex e.g. # "hello" + (3+4) + "world" is not allowed to be translated to # "hello" + 3+4 + "world" if prio > parentPrio: node.parenthesized = False elif prio == parentPrio: if node.type == "hook": node.parenthesized = False
[docs]def fixParens(node): """ Automatically wraps the given node into parens when it was moved into another block and is not parsed there in the same way as it was the case previously. The method needs to be called *after* the node has been moved to the target node. """ parent = node.parent if parent.type in jasy.script.parse.Lang.expressions: prio = jasy.script.parse.Lang.expressionOrder[node.type] parentPrio = jasy.script.parse.Lang.expressionOrder[node.parent.type] needsParens = prio < parentPrio if needsParens: # debug("Adding parens around %s node at line: %s", node.type, node.line) node.parenthesized = needsParens
[docs]def combineToCommaExpression(node): """ This method tries to combine a block with multiple statements into one semicolon statement with a comma expression containing all expressions from the previous block. This only works when the block exclusively consists of expressions as this do not work with other statements. Still this conversion reduces the size impact of many blocks and leads to the removal of a lot of curly braces in the result code. Example: {x++;y+=3} => x++,x+=3 """ if node is None or node.type != "block": return node counter = 0 for child in node: if child is None: pass elif child.type != "semicolon": return node else: counter = counter + 1 if counter == 1: return node comma = Node.Node(node.tokenizer, "comma") for child in list(node): if child is None: pass # Ignore empty semicolons if hasattr(child, "expression"): comma.append(child.expression) semicolon = Node.Node(node.tokenizer, "semicolon") semicolon.append(comma, "expression") parent = node.parent parent.replace(node, semicolon) return semicolon
[docs]def compactIf(node, thenPart, condition): """ Reduces the size of a if statement (without elsePart) using boolean operators instead of the typical keywords e.g. "if(something)make()" is translated to "something&&make()" which is two characters shorter. This however only works when the thenPart is only based on expressions and does not contain other statements. """ thenExpression = getattr(thenPart, "expression", None) if not thenExpression: # Empty semicolon statement => translate if into semicolon statement node.remove(condition) node.remove(node.thenPart) node.append(condition, "expression") node.type = "semicolon" else: # Has expression => Translate IF using a AND or OR operator if condition.type == "not": replacement = Node.Node(thenPart.tokenizer, "or") condition = condition[0] else: replacement = Node.Node(thenPart.tokenizer, "and") replacement.append(condition) replacement.append(thenExpression) thenPart.append(replacement, "expression") fixParens(thenExpression) fixParens(condition) node.parent.replace(node, thenPart)
[docs]def containsIfElse(node): """ Checks whether the given node contains another if-else-statement """ if node.type == "if" and hasattr(node, "elsePart"): return True for child in node: if child is None: pass # Blocks reset this if-else problem so we ignore them # (and their content) for our scan. elif child.type == "block": pass # Script blocks reset as well (protected by other function) elif child.type == "script": pass elif containsIfElse(child): return True return False
[docs]def containsIf(node): """ Checks whether the given node contains another if-statement """ if node.type == "if": return True for child in node: if child is None: pass # Blocks reset this if-else problem so we ignore them # (and their content) for our scan. if child.type == "block": pass # Script blocks reset as well (protected by other function) elif child.type == "script": pass elif containsIf(child): return True return False
[docs]def combineAssignments(condition, thenExpression, elseExpression, compressor): """Combines then and else expression to one assignment when they both assign to the same target node and using the same operator.""" if thenExpression.type == "assign" and elseExpression.type == "assign": operator = getattr(thenExpression, "assignOp", None) if operator == getattr(elseExpression, "assignOp", None): if compressor.compress(thenExpression[0]) == compressor.compress(elseExpression[0]): hook = createHook(condition, thenExpression[1], elseExpression[1]) fixParens(condition) fixParens(hook.thenPart) fixParens(hook.elsePart) thenExpression.append(hook) return thenExpression.parent
[docs]def combineExpressions(condition, thenExpression, elseExpression): """Combines then and else expression using a hook statement.""" hook = createHook(condition, thenExpression, elseExpression) semicolon = Node.Node(condition.tokenizer, "semicolon") semicolon.append(hook, "expression") fixParens(condition) fixParens(thenExpression) fixParens(elseExpression) return semicolon
[docs]def createReturn(value): """Creates a return statement with the given value.""" ret = Node.Node(value.tokenizer, "return") ret.append(value, "value") return ret
[docs]def createHook(condition, thenPart, elsePart): """Creates a hook expression with the given then/else parts.""" hook = Node.Node(condition.tokenizer, "hook") hook.append(condition, "condition") hook.append(thenPart, "thenPart") hook.append(elsePart, "elsePart") return hook