Source code for jasy.script.optimize.CombineDeclarations

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2010-2012 Zynga Inc.
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

import jasy.script.parse.Node as Node
import jasy.core.Console as Console

# Public API

[docs]class Error(Exception): def __init__(self, line): self.__line = line
[docs]def optimize(node): Console.debug("Combining declarations...") Console.indent() result = __optimize(node) Console.outdent() return result
def __optimize(node): # stabilize list during processing modifyable stuff copy = node if node.type in ("script", "block"): copy = list(node) for child in copy: # None children are allowed sometimes e.g. during array_init like [1,2,,,7,8] if child is not None: __optimize(child) if node.type in ("script", "block"): __combineSiblings(node) if node.type == "script": __combineVarStatements(node) # # Merge direct variable siblings # def __combineSiblings(node): """Backwards processing and insertion into previous sibling if both are declarations.""" length = len(node) pos = length - 1 while pos > 0: child = node[pos] prevChild = node[pos - 1] # Special FOR loop optimization, emulate faked VAR if child.type == "for" and prevChild.type == "var": setup = getattr(child, "setup", None) if setup and setup.type == "var": Console.debug("Removing for-loop setup section at line %s" % setup.line) child.remove(setup) child = setup # Combine declarations of VAR statements if child.type == "var" and prevChild.type == "var": # debug("Combining var statement at line %s" % child.line) # Fix loop through casting node to list() for variable in list(child): prevChild.append(variable) if child in node: node.remove(child) pos -= 1 # # Merge var statements, convert in-place to assignments in other locations (quite complex) # def __combineVarStatements(node): """Top level method called to optimize a script node.""" if len(node.scope.declared) == 0: return firstVar = __findFirstVarStatement(node) # Special case, when a node has variables, but no valid "var" block to hold them # This happens in cases where there is a for-loop which contains a "var", but # there are no other variable declarations anywhere. In this case we are not able # to optimize the code further and just exit at this point # Only size-saving when there are multiple for-in loops, but no other var statement or first # "free" var declaration is after for-loops. if not firstVar: firstVar = Node.Node(None, "var") node.insert(0, firstVar) __patchVarStatements(node, firstVar) __cleanFirst(firstVar) # Remove unused "var" if len(firstVar) == 0: firstVar.parent.remove(firstVar) else: # When there is a classical for loop immediately after our # first var statement, then we try to move the var declaration # into there as a setup expression firstVarParent = firstVar.parent firstVarPos = firstVarParent.index(firstVar) if len(firstVarParent) > firstVarPos + 1: possibleForStatement = firstVarParent[firstVarPos + 1] if possibleForStatement.type == "for" and not hasattr(possibleForStatement, "setup"): possibleForStatement.append(firstVar, "setup") def __findFirstVarStatement(node): """ Returns the first var statement of the given node. Ignores inner functions. """ if node.type == "var": # Ignore variable blocks which are used as an iterator in for-in loops # In this case we return False, so that a new collector "var" is being created if getattr(node, "rel", None) == "iterator": return False else: return node for child in node: if child.type == "function": continue result = __findFirstVarStatement(child) if result: return result elif result is False: return False return None def __cleanFirst(first): """ Should remove double declared variables which have no initializer e.g. var s=3,s,s,t,s; => var s=3,t; """ # Add all with initializer first known = set() for child in first: if hasattr(child, "initializer"): varName = getattr(child, "name", None) if varName is not None: known.add(varName) else: # JS 1.7 Destructing Expression for varIdentifier in child.names: known.add(varIdentifier.value) # Then add all remaining ones which are not added before # This implementation omits duplicates even if the assignments # are listed later in the original node. for child in list(first): # JS 1.7 Destructing Expression always have a initializer if not hasattr(child, "initializer"): if in known: first.remove(child) else: known.add( def __createSimpleAssignment(identifier, valueNode): assignNode = Node.Node(None, "assign") identNode = Node.Node(None, "identifier") identNode.value = identifier assignNode.append(identNode) assignNode.append(valueNode) return assignNode def __createMultiAssignment(names, valueNode): assignNode = Node.Node(None, "assign") assignNode.append(names) assignNode.append(valueNode) return assignNode def __createDeclaration(name): declNode = Node.Node(None, "declaration") = name declNode.readOnly = False return declNode def __createIdentifier(value): identifier = Node.Node(None, "identifier") identifier.value = value return identifier def __patchVarStatements(node, firstVarStatement): """Patches all variable statements in the given node (works recursively) and replace them with assignments.""" if node is firstVarStatement: return elif node.type == "function": # Don't process inner functions/scopes return elif node.type == "var": __rebuildAsAssignment(node, firstVarStatement) else: # Recursion into children # Create a cast to list() to keep loop stable during modification for child in list(node): if child is not None: __patchVarStatements(child, firstVarStatement) def __rebuildAsAssignment(node, firstVarStatement): """Rebuilds the items of a var statement into a assignment list and moves declarations to the given var statement.""" assignment = Node.Node(node.tokenizer, "semicolon") assignmentList = Node.Node(node.tokenizer, "comma") assignment.append(assignmentList, "expression") # Casting to list() creates a copy during the process (keeps loop stable) for child in list(node): if hasattr(child, "name"): # Cleanup initializer and move to assignment if hasattr(child, "initializer"): assign = __createSimpleAssignment(, child.initializer) assignmentList.append(assign) firstVarStatement.append(child) else: # JS 1.7 Destructing Expression for identifier in child.names: firstVarStatement.append(__createDeclaration(identifier.value)) if hasattr(child, "initializer"): assign = __createMultiAssignment(child.names, child.initializer) assignmentList.append(assign) node.remove(child) # Patch parent node to contain assignment instead of declaration if len(assignmentList) > 0: node.parent.replace(node, assignment) # Special process for "for-in" loops # It is OK to be second because of assignments are not allowed at # all in for-in loops and so the first if basically does nothing # for these kind of statements. elif getattr(node, "rel", None) == "iterator": if hasattr(child, "name"): node.parent.replace(node, __createIdentifier( else: # JS 1.7 Destructing Expressions node.parent.replace(node, child.names) # Edge case. Not yet found if this happen realistically else: if hasattr(node, "rel"): Console.warn("Remove related node (%s) from parent: %s" % (node.rel, node)) node.parent.remove(node) # Minor post-cleanup. Remove useless comma statement when only one expression is the result if len(assignmentList) == 1: assignment.replace(assignmentList, assignmentList[0])