Source code for

# Jasy - Web Tooling Framework
# Copyright 2013-2014 Sebastian Werner

import re
import json

import as Tokenizer
import as Node
import as Util
import jasy.core.Console as Console

ascii_encoder = json.JSONEncoder(ensure_ascii=True)

RE_SELECTOR_SPLIT = re.compile(r"\s*,\s*")

[docs]def parseExpression(source, fileId=None, line=1): # Convert source into expression statement to be friendly to the Tokenizer if not source.endswith(";"): source = source + ";" tokenizer = Tokenizer.Tokenizer(source, fileId, line) staticContext = StaticContext() try: return Expression(tokenizer, staticContext) except Tokenizer.TokenizerError as ex: raise ParseError("Unable to parse file: %s" % ex.message, tokenizer)
[docs]def parse(source, fileId=None, line=1): tokenizer = Tokenizer.Tokenizer(source, fileId, line) staticContext = StaticContext() try: node = Sheet(tokenizer, staticContext) except Tokenizer.TokenizerError as ex: raise ParseError("Unable to parse file: %s" % ex.message, tokenizer) # store fileId on top-level node node.fileId = tokenizer.fileId # add missing comments e.g. empty file with only a comment etc. # if there is something non-attached by an inner node it is attached to # the top level node, which is not correct, but might be better than # just ignoring the comment after all. if len(node) > 0: addComments(node[-1], None, tokenizer.getComments()) else: addComments(node, None, tokenizer.getComments()) if not tokenizer.done(): raise ParseError("Unexpected end of file", tokenizer) return node
[docs]class ParseError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, tokenizer): self.message = "Parse Error: %s" % message self.fileId = tokenizer.fileId self.line = tokenizer.line Exception.__init__(self, self.message) def __str__(self): return "%s in %s at %s" % (self.message, self.fileId, self.line)
# Used as a status container during tree-building for every def body and the global body
[docs]class StaticContext(object): def __init__(self): self.blockId = 0 self.statementStack = []
[docs]def Sheet(tokenizer, staticContext): """Parses the toplevel and rule bodies.""" node = Statements(tokenizer, staticContext) # change type from "block" to "sheet" for style root node.type = "sheet" return node
[docs]def Statements(tokenizer, staticContext): """Parses a list of Statements.""" node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "block") staticContext.blockId += 1 staticContext.statementStack.append(node) prevNode = None while not tokenizer.done() and tokenizer.peek(True) != "right_curly": comments = tokenizer.getComments() childNode = Statement(tokenizer, staticContext) # Ignore semicolons in AST if childNode.type != "semicolon": node.append(childNode) prevNode = childNode staticContext.statementStack.pop() return node
[docs]def Block(tokenizer, staticContext): tokenizer.mustMatch("left_curly") node = Statements(tokenizer, staticContext) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_curly") return node
[docs]def Statement(tokenizer, staticContext): """Parses a Statement.""" tokenType = tokenizer.get(True) tokenValue = getattr(tokenizer.token, "value", "") if tokenType == "left_curly": node = Statements(tokenizer, staticContext) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_curly") return node elif tokenType == "command": if tokenValue == "if" or tokenValue == "elif": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "if") node.append(Expression(tokenizer, staticContext), "condition") staticContext.statementStack.append(node) thenPart = Statement(tokenizer, staticContext) thenPart.noscope = True node.append(thenPart, "thenPart") if tokenizer.match("command"): elseTokenValue = tokenizer.token.value if elseTokenValue == "elif": # Process like an "if" and append as elsePart tokenizer.unget() elsePart = Statement(tokenizer, staticContext) elsePart.noscope = True node.append(elsePart, "elsePart") if elseTokenValue == "else": comments = tokenizer.getComments() elsePart = Statement(tokenizer, staticContext) elsePart.noscope = True addComments(elsePart, node, comments) node.append(elsePart, "elsePart") staticContext.statementStack.pop() return node elif tokenValue == "content": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "content") return node elif tokenValue == "include": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "include") node.append(Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) return node elif tokenValue in ("require", "load", "break", "asset"): node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "meta") = tokenValue node.append(Expression(tokenizer, staticContext)) return node elif tokenValue == "font-face": return FontFace(tokenizer, staticContext) elif tokenValue == "media": return Media(tokenizer, staticContext) elif tokenValue == "supports": return Supports(tokenizer, staticContext) elif tokenValue == "charset": return Charset(tokenizer, staticContext) elif tokenValue == "page": return Page(tokenizer, staticContext) elif tokenValue == "root": return Root(tokenizer, staticContext) # Special case: Support keyframe command with optional engine prefix elif tokenValue == "keyframes" or tokenValue.endswith("-keyframes"): return KeyFrames(tokenizer, staticContext) else: raise ParseError("Unknown system command: %s" % tokenValue, tokenizer) elif tokenType == "identifier" or tokenType == "mul": if tokenType == "identifier": nextTokenType = tokenizer.peek() # e.g. jasy.gradient() or gradient() - process them as expressions # native calls in these places result in full property or multiple full properties if nextTokenType == "left_paren": tokenizer.unget() node = Expression(tokenizer, staticContext) return node # It's hard to differentiate between selectors and properties. # The strategy is to look for these next symbols as they define if the tokens # until then are either a selector or property declaration. nextRelevantTokenType = tokenizer.find(("semicolon", "left_curly", "right_curly")) # e.g. background: xxx; if nextRelevantTokenType == "right_curly" or nextRelevantTokenType == "semicolon": node = Property(tokenizer, staticContext) return node # e.g. h1, #dad {... elif nextRelevantTokenType == "left_curly": node = Selector(tokenizer, staticContext) return node else: raise ParseError("Warning: Unhandled: %s in Statement()" % nextTokenType, tokenizer) # Declaration / Assignment elif tokenType == "variable": node = Variable(tokenizer, staticContext) return node # Vendor prefixed property elif tokenType == "minus": node = Property(tokenizer, staticContext) return node # Generated content or pseudo selector elif tokenType == "colon": nextTokenType = tokenizer.peek() # e.g. ::after, ... if nextTokenType == "colon": node = Selector(tokenizer, staticContext) return node # e.g. :last-child, ... elif nextTokenType == "identifier": node = Selector(tokenizer, staticContext) return node else: raise ParseError("Warning: Unhandled: %s in Statement()" % nextTokenType, tokenizer) # Class selectors e.g. .message {... elif tokenType == "dot": nextTokenType = tokenizer.peek() # The ampersand might be used to inject the current path inside the new selector # e.g. header { &.-fullscreen {} } => .header-fullscreen{} if nextTokenType == "identifier" or nextTokenType == "ampersand": node = Selector(tokenizer, staticContext) return node else: raise ParseError("Warning: Unhandled: %s in Statement()" % nextTokenType, tokenizer) # Attribute selectors e.g. [hidden] {... elif tokenType == "left_bracket": nextTokenType = tokenizer.peek() if nextTokenType == "identifier": node = Selector(tokenizer, staticContext) return node else: raise ParseError("Warning: Unhandled: %s in Statement()" % nextTokenType, tokenizer) # Class selectors e.g. &.selected, &::after {... elif tokenType == "ampersand": nextTokenType = tokenizer.peek() if nextTokenType in ("identifier", "colon", "left_curly", "left_bracket", "minus", "dot", "plus", "comma"): node = Selector(tokenizer, staticContext) return node else: raise ParseError("Warning: Unhandled: %s in Statement()" % nextTokenType, tokenizer) # Child selectors e.g. > li {... elif tokenType == "gt": nextTokenType = tokenizer.peek() if nextTokenType in ("identifier", "colon", "left_curly", "left_bracket", "minus", "dot", "mul"): node = Selector(tokenizer, staticContext) return node else: raise ParseError("Warning: Unhandled: %s in Statement()" % nextTokenType, tokenizer) elif tokenType == "semicolon": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "semicolon") return node else: raise ParseError("Warning: Unsupported token in Statement(): %s" % tokenType, tokenizer)
[docs]def Property(tokenizer, staticContext): """ Parses all CSS properties e.g. - background: red - font: 12px bold Arial; """ node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "property") = "" # Start from the beginning to support mixed identifiers/variables easily tokenizer.unget() while tokenizer.match("variable") or tokenizer.match("identifier"): token = tokenizer.token if token.type == "variable": += "${%s}" % token.value if hasattr(node, "dynamic"): node.dynamic.add(token.value) else: node.dynamic = set([token.value]) else: += token.value if not tokenizer.mustMatch("colon"): raise ParseError("Invalid property definition", tokenizer) # Add all values until we find a semicolon or right curly while tokenizer.peek() not in ("semicolon", "right_curly"): childNode = ValueExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) node.append(childNode) return node
[docs]def KeyFrames(tokenizer, staticContext): """ Supports e.g.: @keyframes fade{ from, 10%{ background-color: #000000; } 100%{ background-color: #FFFFFF; } } """ node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "keyframes") node.vendor = Util.extractVendor(tokenizer.token.value) # Use param as name on keyframes tokenizer.get() = tokenizer.token.value tokenizer.mustMatch("left_curly") while tokenizer.get() != "right_curly": # Parse frame as block frameNode = Node.Node(tokenizer, "frame") token = tokenizer.token frameNode.value = "%s%s" % (token.value, getattr(token, "unit", "")) node.append(frameNode) # Process comma separated values for while True: if tokenizer.peek() != "comma": break else: tokenizer.mustMatch("comma") # Next one is our next value tokenizer.get() token = tokenizer.token frameNode.value += ",%s%s" % (token.value, getattr(token, "unit", "")) # Next process content of selector blockNode = Block(tokenizer, staticContext) frameNode.append(blockNode, "rules") return node
[docs]def FontFace(tokenizer, staticContext): # Like a selector but store as a different type node = node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "fontface") childNode = Block(tokenizer, staticContext) node.append(childNode, "rules") return node
[docs]def Supports(tokenizer, staticContext): node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "supports") tokenType = tokenizer.get() test = "" requiresSpace = False while tokenType != "left_curly": token = tokenizer.token if tokenType == "identifier": if requiresSpace : test += " " test += token.value requiresSpace = True elif tokenType == "colon": test += ":" requiresSpace = False elif tokenType == "left_paren": if requiresSpace: test += " " test += "(" requiresSpace = False elif tokenType == "right_paren": test += ")" requiresSpace = True elif tokenType == "string": if requiresSpace: test += " " test += ascii_encoder.encode(token.value) requiresSpace = True elif tokenType == "number": if requiresSpace: test += " " test += "%s%s" % (token.value, getattr(token, "unit", "")) requiresSpace = True else: raise ParseError("Unsupported supports token %s" % tokenType, tokenizer) tokenType = tokenizer.get() # Split at commas, but ignore any white spaces (trim single selectors) = test # Next process content of selector tokenizer.unget() childNode = Block(tokenizer, staticContext) node.append(childNode, "rules") return node
[docs]def Charset(tokenizer, staticContext): tokenType = tokenizer.get() Console.warn("CSS @charset %s ", tokenType) if tokenType != "string": raise ParseError("Invalid @charset declaration. Requires the encoding being a string!", tokenizer) encoding = tokenizer.token.value if encoding.lower() != "utf-8": raise ParseError("Jasy is not able to process non UTF-8 stylesheets!", tokenizer) Console.warn("Found unnecessary @charset definition for encoding %s", encoding) return Node.Node(tokenizer, "block")
[docs]def Page(tokenizer, staticContext): """ Supports e.g.: @page{ margin: 1cm; } @page :first{ margin: 5cm 2cm; } """ node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "page") tokenType = tokenizer.get() selector = "" requiresSpace = False while tokenType != "left_curly": token = tokenizer.token if tokenType == "identifier": if requiresSpace : selector += " " selector += token.value requiresSpace = True elif tokenType == "colon": selector += ":" requiresSpace = False else: raise ParseError("Unsupported page selector token %s" % tokenType, tokenizer) tokenType = tokenizer.get() # Set page selector as name = selector # Next process content of selector tokenizer.unget() childNode = Block(tokenizer, staticContext) node.append(childNode, "rules") return node
[docs]def Root(tokenizer, staticContext): """ Supports e.g.: h1{ font-size: 20px; @root html.desktop &{ font-size: 30px; } } .date{ color: black; background: white; @root{ &__dialog{ position: absolute; } } } """ node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "root") tokenType = tokenizer.get() if tokenType != "left_curly": node.append(Selector(tokenizer, staticContext)) else: tokenizer.unget() childNode = Block(tokenizer, staticContext) node.append(childNode, "rules") return node
[docs]def Media(tokenizer, staticContext): """ Supports e.g.: @media print{ body{ background-color: #000000; } } @media handheld, tv{ body{ background-color: yellow; } } @media screen and (max-width: 300px) { body{ background-color: orange; } } """ node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "media") tokenType = tokenizer.get() query = "" requiresSpace = False while tokenType != "left_curly": token = tokenizer.token if tokenType == "identifier": if requiresSpace : query += " " query += token.value requiresSpace = True elif tokenType == "comma": query += "," requiresSpace = False elif tokenType == "left_paren": if requiresSpace: query += " " query += "(" requiresSpace = False elif tokenType == "right_paren": query += ")" requiresSpace = True elif tokenType == "colon": query += ":" requiresSpace = False elif tokenType == "div": query += "/" requiresSpace = False elif tokenType == "string": if requiresSpace: query += " " query += ascii_encoder.encode(token.value) requiresSpace = True elif tokenType == "number": if requiresSpace: query += " " query += "%s%s" % (token.value, getattr(token, "unit", "")) requiresSpace = True elif tokenType in ("and", "or", "not"): if requiresSpace : query += " " query += tokenType requiresSpace = True else: raise ParseError("Unsupported media query token %s" % tokenType, tokenizer) tokenType = tokenizer.get() # Split at commas, but ignore any white spaces (trim single selectors) = RE_SELECTOR_SPLIT.split(query) # Next process content of selector tokenizer.unget() childNode = Block(tokenizer, staticContext) node.append(childNode, "rules") return node
[docs]def Selector(tokenizer, staticContext): """ CSS selector parser e.g. h1 .infobox #header h1::after h2:first-child """ node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "selector") tokenType = tokenizer.token.type selector = "" nospace = True while tokenType != "left_curly": token = tokenizer.token if tokenType in ("identifier", "colon", "dot", "ampersand", "command", "minus"): if not nospace and selector != "" and (tokenizer.skippedSpaces or tokenizer.skippedLineBreaks): selector += " " nospace = False if tokenType == "identifier": selector += token.value elif tokenType == "colon": selector += ":" elif tokenType == "dot": selector += "." elif tokenType == "minus": selector += "-" elif tokenType == "ampersand": selector += "&" elif tokenType == "command": selector += "@%s" % token.value else: # No spaces between the previous, this symbol and the next nospace = True if tokenType == "comma": selector += "," elif tokenType == "tilde": selector += "~" elif tokenType == "plus": selector += "+" elif tokenType == "gt": selector += ">" elif tokenType == "left_bracket": selector += "[" elif tokenType == "right_bracket": selector += "]" elif tokenType == "left_paren": selector += "(" elif tokenType == "right_paren": selector += ")" elif tokenType == "dollar": selector += "$" elif tokenType == "carat": selector += "^" elif tokenType == "pipe": selector += "|" elif tokenType == "mul": selector += "*" elif tokenType == "not": selector += "not" elif tokenType == "assign": if token.assignOp: if token.assignOp == "mul": selector += "*" else: raise ParseError("Invalid attribute selector expression %s" % token.assignOp, tokenizer) selector += "=" elif tokenType == "string": selector += ascii_encoder.encode(token.value) elif tokenType == "number": selector += "%s%s" % (token.value, getattr(token, "unit", "")) elif tokenType == "variable": if hasattr(node, "dynamic"): node.dynamic.add(token.value) else: node.dynamic = set([token.value]) selector += "${%s}" % token.value else: raise ParseError("Unsupported selector token %s" % tokenType, tokenizer) tokenType = tokenizer.get() # Split at commas, but ignore any white spaces (trim single selectors) = RE_SELECTOR_SPLIT.split(selector) # Next process content of selector tokenizer.unget() childNode = Block(tokenizer, staticContext) node.append(childNode, "rules") return node
[docs]def Variable(tokenizer, staticContext): """ All kind of variable usage: - variable access - variable declaration - mixin declaration - mixin call """ name = tokenizer.token.value # e.g. $foo = 1 if tokenizer.peek() == "assign": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "declaration") = name if tokenizer.match("assign"): # Support declarations with assign operations # Declaration and assignment are effectively the same node.assignOp = tokenizer.token.assignOp initializerNode = OrExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if tokenizer.peek() not in ("comma", "semicolon"): initializerList = Node.Node(tokenizer, "list") initializerList.append(initializerNode) node.append(initializerList, "initializer") while tokenizer.peek() not in ("comma", "semicolon"): initializerList.append(OrExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) else: node.append(initializerNode, "initializer") # Ignore trailing comma... handle it like a follow up expression if tokenizer.peek("comma"): tokenizer.get() # e.g. $foo {} elif tokenizer.peek() == "left_curly": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "mixin") = name node.append(Block(tokenizer, staticContext), "rules") # e.g. $foo() or $foo(a,b) or $foo(a,b) {} elif tokenizer.peek() == "left_paren": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "call") = name # Mixin call or Mixin definition if tokenizer.mustMatch("left_paren"): node.append(ArgumentList(tokenizer, staticContext), "params") # Mixin definition if tokenizer.peek() == "left_curly": node.type = "mixin" node.append(Block(tokenizer, staticContext), "rules") # Mixin call with content section elif tokenizer.peek() == "lt": # Ignore smaller symbol / Jump to block tokenizer.get() node.append(Block(tokenizer, staticContext), "rules") return node # e.g. ${align}: left; => Parse as property elif tokenizer.peek() == "colon": return Property(tokenizer, staticContext) # Extend "call" with content section elif tokenizer.peek() == "lt": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "call") = name # Ignore smaller symbol / Jump to block tokenizer.get() node.append(Block(tokenizer, staticContext), "rules") else: node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "variable") = name return node
[docs]def ParenExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): """ An expression in parens. Sometimes to force priority of math operations etc. """ tokenizer.mustMatch("left_paren") node = Expression(tokenizer, staticContext) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") return node
[docs]def ValueExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): """ Top-down expression parser for rule values in stylestyles. """ node = UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if tokenizer.match("comma"): childNode = Node.Node(tokenizer, "comma") childNode.append(node) node = childNode while True: childNode = node[len(node) - 1] node.append(UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) if not tokenizer.match("comma"): break return node
[docs]def Expression(tokenizer, staticContext): """ Top-down expression parser for stylestyles. """ node = AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if tokenizer.match("comma"): childNode = Node.Node(tokenizer, "comma") childNode.append(node) node = childNode while True: childNode = node[len(node) - 1] node.append(AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) if not tokenizer.match("comma"): break return node
[docs]def AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): comments = tokenizer.getComments() node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "assign") lhs = OrExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) addComments(lhs, None, comments) if not tokenizer.match("assign"): return lhs if lhs.type == "variable": pass else: raise ParseError("Bad left-hand side of assignment", tokenizer) node.assignOp = tokenizer.token.assignOp node.append(lhs) node.append(AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) return node
[docs]def OrExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): node = AndExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("or"): childNode = Node.Node(tokenizer, "or") childNode.append(node) childNode.append(AndExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) node = childNode return node
[docs]def AndExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): node = EqualityExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("and"): childNode = Node.Node(tokenizer, "and") childNode.append(node) childNode.append(EqualityExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) node = childNode return node
[docs]def EqualityExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): node = RelationalExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while tokenizer.match("eq") or tokenizer.match("ne"): childNode = Node.Node(tokenizer) childNode.append(node) express = RelationalExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if express.type == "identifier": raise ParseError("Invalid expression", tokenizer) childNode.append(express) node = childNode return node
[docs]def RelationalExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): # Uses of the in operator in shiftExprs are always unambiguous, # so unset the flag that prohibits recognizing it. node = AddExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if node.type == "identifier": return node while tokenizer.match("lt") or tokenizer.match("le") or tokenizer.match("ge") or tokenizer.match("gt"): childNode = Node.Node(tokenizer) childNode.append(node) express = AddExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if express.type == "identifier": raise ParseError("Invalid expression", tokenizer) childNode.append(express) node = childNode return node
[docs]def AddExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): node = MultiplyExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if node.type == "identifier": return node while tokenizer.match("plus") or tokenizer.match("minus"): # Whether there was skipped spaces before skippedA = tokenizer.skippedSpaces or tokenizer.skippedLineBreaks # ...but not after the plus/minus token peek = tokenizer.peek() skippedB = tokenizer.skippedSpaces or tokenizer.skippedLineBreaks # ... then do not interpret as plus/minus expression but as unary prefix if skippedA and not skippedB: tokenizer.unget() return node # Build real plus/minus node childNode = Node.Node(tokenizer) childNode.append(node) express = MultiplyExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if express.type == "identifier": raise ParseError("Invalid expression", tokenizer) childNode.append(express) node = childNode return node
[docs]def MultiplyExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): node = UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if node.type == "identifier": return node while tokenizer.match("mul") or tokenizer.match("div") or tokenizer.match("mod"): childNode = Node.Node(tokenizer) childNode.append(node) express = UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) if express.type == "identifier": raise ParseError("Invalid expression", tokenizer) childNode.append(express) node = childNode return node
[docs]def UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): tokenType = tokenizer.get(True) if tokenType == "not": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, tokenType) child = UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) # Support for prefixes with "not" e.g. "!important" if child.type == "identifier": child.value = "!%s" % child.value return child else: node.append(child) elif tokenType in ("plus", "minus"): if tokenType == "plus": tokenType = "unary_plus" elif tokenType == "minus": tokenType = "unary_minus" node = Node.Node(tokenizer, tokenType) node.append(UnaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) else: tokenizer.unget() node = MemberExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) return node
[docs]def MemberExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): node = PrimaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) while True: tokenType = tokenizer.get() if tokenType == "end": break # system calls elif tokenType == "left_paren": if node.type == "identifier": childNode = Node.Node(tokenizer, "function") = node.value # Special processing of URL commands if node.value == "url": childNode.append(UrlArgumentList(tokenizer, staticContext), "params") else: childNode.append(CssArgumentList(tokenizer, staticContext), "params") elif node.type == "command": if == "raw": childNode = RawArgument(tokenizer, staticContext) elif == "expr": childNode = ExpressionArgument(tokenizer, staticContext) else: childNode = Node.Node(tokenizer, "command") = childNode.append(ArgumentList(tokenizer, staticContext), "params") else: raise ParseError("Unsupported mixin include in expression statement", tokenizer) else: tokenizer.unget() return node node = childNode return node
[docs]def RawArgument(tokenizer, staticContext): if tokenizer.match("right_paren", True): raise ParseError("Expected expression", tokenizer) node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "raw") node.append(PrimaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") return node
[docs]def ExpressionArgument(tokenizer, staticContext): if tokenizer.match("right_paren", True): raise ParseError("Expected expression", tokenizer) node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "expr") node.append(AddExpression(tokenizer, staticContext)) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") return node
[docs]def UrlArgumentList(tokenizer, staticContext): node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "list") if tokenizer.match("right_paren", True): return node url = "" while True: tokenType = tokenizer.get() if tokenType == "right_paren": break elif tokenType == "string": token = tokenizer.token url += token.value elif tokenType == "number": token = tokenizer.token url += "%s%s" % (token.value, getattr(token, "unit", "")) elif tokenType == "div": url += "/" elif tokenType == "dot": url += "." elif tokenType == "identifier": token = tokenizer.token url += token.value elif tokenType == "variable": # Fast path when variable present token = tokenizer.token var = Node.Node(tokenizer) = token.value node.append(var) tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") return node else: token = tokenizer.token raise ParseError("Invalid token in URL parameter: Type = %s ; Value = %s" % (token.type, getattr(token, "value", None)), tokenizer) urlParam = Node.Node(tokenizer, "identifier") urlParam.value = url node.append(urlParam) return node
[docs]def ArgumentList(tokenizer, staticContext): node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "list") if tokenizer.match("right_paren", True): return node while True: childNode = AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) node.append(childNode) if not tokenizer.match("comma"): break tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") return node
[docs]def CssArgumentList(tokenizer, staticContext): node = Node.Node(tokenizer, "list") if tokenizer.match("right_paren", True): return node while True: collection = Node.Node(tokenizer, "list") while True: childNode = AssignExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) collection.append(childNode) # Comma ends the collection + Right paren ends the list if tokenizer.peek() in ("comma", "right_paren"): break node.append(collection) if not tokenizer.match("comma"): break tokenizer.mustMatch("right_paren") return node
[docs]def PrimaryExpression(tokenizer, staticContext): tokenType = tokenizer.get(True) if tokenType == "function": node = FunctionDefinition(tokenizer, staticContext, False, "expressed_form") elif tokenType == "left_paren": # ParenExpression does its own matching on parentheses, so we need to unget. tokenizer.unget() node = ParenExpression(tokenizer, staticContext) node.parenthesized = True elif tokenType == "variable": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, tokenType) = tokenizer.token.value elif tokenType == "command": node = Node.Node(tokenizer, tokenType) = tokenizer.token.value elif tokenType in ["null", "true", "false", "identifier", "number", "string", "div"]: node = Node.Node(tokenizer, tokenType) if tokenType in ("identifier", "string", "number"): node.value = tokenizer.token.value if tokenType == "number" and hasattr(tokenizer.token, "unit"): node.unit = tokenizer.token.unit if tokenType == "string": node.quote = tokenizer.token.quote if tokenType == "div": node.type = "slash" else: raise ParseError("Missing operand. Found type: %s" % tokenType, tokenizer) return node
[docs]def addComments(currNode, prevNode, comments): if not comments: return currComments = [] prevComments = [] for comment in comments: # post comments - for previous node if comment.context == "inline": prevComments.append(comment) # all other comment styles are attached to the current one else: currComments.append(comment) # Merge with previously added ones if hasattr(currNode, "comments"): currNode.comments.extend(currComments) else: currNode.comments = currComments if prevNode: if hasattr(prevNode, "comments"): prevNode.comments.extend(prevComments) else: prevNode.comments = prevComments else: # Don't loose the comment in tree (if not previous node is there, attach it to this node) currNode.comments.extend(prevComments)